Our CSR Commitment

Making a Positive Impact on Society and the Environment

At Asclepios Tech, our mission was born out of a desire to respond to the global challenges of hunger, nutritional quality and food insecurity. These challenges require an innovative, multi-dimensional systemic approach. We focus our efforts on:

Every year, around a third of the food produced is lost along the food chain, equivalent to 1.3 billion

Reducing loss of nutritional

The nutritional density of fruit and
vegetables has been divided by 3 in 50
years, and decreases by an average of
50% in the first week after harvest.

Limiting chemical

Chemical inputs disrupt ecosystems essential
to agriculture, contaminating soil and water,
and affecting biodiversity, its organisms and
the health of producers and consumers.

Asclepios Tech’s mission is to sustainably reduce in a sustainable way losses and waste farm 2 fork in the
fruits and vegetables supply chain, as well as agrochemical use. Asclepios Tech aims to reduce these
negatives impacts by over 50% while respecting plants, the European green deal, and a “one health” approach.

These are crucial challenges for the sustainability and resilience of our food system.

To meet these challenges, we have designed and commercialized the innovative Boxilumix® technology which
uses soft light signals to communicate intelligently and respectfully with plants. This technology has received
several awards : the “Solar Impulse Efficient Solution Label” which recognizes solutions that are clean, profitable
and have a positive impact on quality of life ; laureate of the French Tech Agri20 program which supports startups
offering disruptive innovations to contribute to the agricultural transition ; and was awarded the “Innovation
and Sustainable Food” prize at “Les Inn’ovations” competition.

Our contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable development means meeting the needs of present generation without compromising those of future generations. By participating in the development of a sustainable food system Asclepios Tech contributes to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in particular:

  • SDG 3 – Good health and well-being: We highlight the value of nutritional density in addition to the quantity of fruit and vegetables. A key element for the physical and mental health of consumers.
  • SDG 12 – Responsible consumption and production: We help reduce food waste farm 2 fork.
  • SDG 13 – Climate action: We contribute to climate change mitigation by increasing the carbon sequestration of plants and developing solutions that generate fewer greenhouse gas emissions than their alternatives. We also have a positive impact on the resilience of plants to the consequences of climate change.

As the UN states in SDG 2 “Zero hunger” a world with zero hunger can positively impact our economies, health, education, equality and social development. It is a key piece of building a better future for everyone.

Our CSR roadmap

Contributing to sustainable development is an integral part of Asclepios Tech’s DNA and of the management of its activities. Since the creation of the company we have adopted a three-dimensional vision encompassing environmental, social and economic aspects. In line with this approach, in September 2023 we began formalizing and developing a CSR roadmap. Corporate Social Responsibility or CSR is a concept where companies integrate social and environmental concerns into their business activities and their relations with stakeholders. It involves integrating the principles of
sustainable development within companies to achieve an overall performance that goes beyond economic performance and takes into account respect of the environment and social conditions. Depending on the activity or process, this may take the form of a strategy focused on reducing negative impacts or increasing positive impacts. Governance is also a key aspect of CSR emphasizing transparency, accountability, ethical behavior,
respect for stakeholders’ interests, for the rule of law, for international norms of behavior and for human rights.

At Asclepios Tech we took the following commitments :

1- Collaboration with our stakeholders

Facilitate collaboration between our stakeholders to make healthy, sustainable food accessible to as many people as possible.
Work directly with our stakeholders through collaborative innovation projects in agroecology.

2- Universality

Design and produce products adaptable to the needs of diverse populations and environments to make healthy food accessible to everyone.

3- Autonomy and sovereignty

Foster the ability of the company, individuals and actors of the food chain to manage their production autonomously and sustainably, strengthening their sovereignty.

4- Transforming food standards

Transform food standards by integrating the nutritional value of fruit and vegetables into the price of products reflecting their true importance for the health and well-being of consumers while serving the entire value chain and its stakeholders.

5- Ecodesigning all products

Ecodesign product to optimize resource use, reduce waste and facilitate repair. This includes designing compact products, using a minimal number of parts and materials, setting strict limits on energy consumption and managing the end-of-life cycle to ensure recycling or responsible disposal.

Our values

In the CSR approach and analysis of our activities, strategy and governance we have defined our core values to establish an ethical framework that guides our actions, decisions and interactions:

At Asclepios Tech we are committed to actively contributing to a more sustainable and resilient agriculture for

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Use our contact form for inquiries and suggestions regarding CSR activities.