The Circular Economy and Sustainable solutions for Agrifood in the Mediterranean – CESAM project brings together 9 partners from the European Regions of Occitanie (FR), Catalonia (ES) and Balearic Islands (ES) around shared goals for the agrifood sector: Circular Economy and Sustainability. The 3 Regions form a logical area of cooperation with similar objectives and priorities. The public structure for cooperation in this area is the EGTC Euroregion Pyrenees[1]Mediterranean (EPM). Of the nine partners, four are institutional partners from the Regional Innovation Ecosystems (Regional Innovation Agencies, Clusters and Specialised Public administration) and the other 5 are SMEs with specific needs in investment needs to scale-up their innovative solutions: NewTimes (OCC), Asclepios Tech (OCC), Terracor (BI), Derypol (CAT) and GoZeroWaste (CAT). With this consortium, CESAM project intends to promote innovative solutions of circular economy and sustainability for the 3 Regions, with high potential of development in other European regions. The project is composed of 4 sub investment projects which will be complemented through an open call for projects. The CESAM project and the associated voucher scheme will be focused on 4 types of CE and Sustainable solutions:
1. Industrial water treatment and recycling / Concerted used of water
2. Packaging: Eco-conception / plastic free, new materials or circular solutions
3. Optimization of processes and circular processes : reduction of waste
4. Valorization of co-products
In addition to the direct support to SMEs participating to the project, the partners will lay the foundations for long term cooperation in their respective value chains as well as across the involved regions. Actions will include capacity building activities for the support of less developed regions innovation ecosystems as well as activities for the interregional and European development of our partner SMEs.

Working meeting at Asclepios Tech with partners